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Terrarium Soil Blend


This soil blend contains a mixture of: Coco Coir, Bark, Sand, Worm Castings, Zeolite, Activated Charcoal

A complete mixture for terrarium plants in terrarium environments. In both open and closed terrariums, this mixture provides fast draining properties tied with even moisture spread through the mix. A high amount of activated charcoal and zeolite stops heavy metals, impurities, minerals and other nasties from bruising up in the terrarium space. The addition of organic matter from bark allows for microfauna in the terrarium to create full ecosystem that feeds the plant with more fertiliser. The sand in the mix also prevents the soil going muddy after long periods of being kept wet. 

Terrariums require a soil which not only is incredibly well draining, but also full of purifying elements such as Activated Charcoal that will trap any impurities that may be introduced from tap water- or a plant transplanting from a different substrate. Otherwise these impurities will permanently be in the terrarium space and will eventually cause issues further down the line. The soil must also maintain its properties and structure in high humidity conditions. Sand tends to stay put in humid conditions and doesn’t shift onwards like it can do in outdoor settings. If your terrarium is bioactive, there should be organic matter in the mix to provide the lifeforms living in your terrarium with food. As with all of the Soil Ninja pemium mixes a population of positive bacteria, mycelium and microfauna is present in the substrate to create the potted ecosystem which keeps your plant healthy! Enough nutrients for the first 2 months of growth is also in every bag along with the specialist nutrient storage component, Zeolite.

This soil blend is also ideal for: African Violet, Brevirimosa Begonia, Butterfly Begonia, Peacock Begonia, Biophytum Sensitivum.


Soil Blend and 100% recyclable Polyethylene plastic bag


5 Litre


Once opened store soil bag resealed closed in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight.

Delivery Info

Available for national and London delivery


Planted in London

All our terrariums are planted by hand in our London Terrariums studio on Bethnal Green Road. We hand select all the plants and carefully plant and landscape to suit the glass vessel ensuring every terrarium is unique.

We will hand-select the best terrariums for you when you buy online, or pop into store to choose your own terrarium.